Make WEHO Gay Again! 😤🌈

The official page for WEST HOLLYWOOD Candidate Ramesses☀️:

The world of Heterosexual is a sick and boring life”—Aunt Ida

If you want to sign my candidacy petition, let me know  via


Advisory: The content on this website and language are 18+I've got a potty mouth since I eat ASSI don't just spill the TEA: I pour the entire TEApot down the drain! For "legal" reasons, All content on this page is *in Wendy Williams' voice* "alleged-ly" ;)  

1) Who Am I?:

1A) I'm a  Zelous HomosexualFounder of the LGBTQIA+ Antinoan EmpireA society calling for the creation of a Secular, LGBT+ Nationwith a constitution codifying LGBT+ rightsand the creation of LGBT+ Banks/Credit Unions, Colleges, Housing co-ops, Guilds, Collectivized farms, Et ceteraForming an LGBT+ Civilization, and arousing Gay Renaissance/Enlightenment! I believe in the Self-Determination of the LGBT+ CommUNITY.

1B) I'm a  devout Atheist, Secularist, Apostate, Eco-Socialist, and Egyptian-American-in-ExileI know when a government work, as well as when it makes it impossible for you to liveand persecutes you for being Gay/Atheist.  

1C) I'm a Belly Dancer, Farmer, Violinist, Linguist, Drag Queen, Massage Therapist, HomoErotic Artist, and Philosopher

1D) I'm pretty Transparent and don't shy away speaking my MindSomething I think we need in the face of the growing Christo-Fascism Hegemonic movement that's seemingly sweeping the US; You being offended over pronouns isn't going to stop Fascism, BabeWake the fuck up!

2) Why am I Running? 

2A) I'm  RUNNING FOR CITY CLOWNCIL BECAUSE THE CITY OF WEHO GOVERNMENT HAS GHOSTED ME TIME AND TIME AGAIN; If they're too incompetent to represent or respond to their constituents and voters, then I'll run and represent myselfI've done it before in the heart of texASS...and I'll do it again in the city of "So-dumb and Gay-More-AH" a.k.a West Hollywood; I believe that there needs to be more TRANSPARENCY in the Government, because this city is giving small-town CORRUPTION Vibes. The city Government ignored me; When I was Homeless, the Sheriffs told me I should just go away from the city; The safety Ambassadors told me to leave too and go to skid row?!?!—And that being gay has NOTHING to do with West Hollywood! He said that's what the city council instructed them to do—Shoo people away. Bitch who the fuck are you all talking to like that? I'll run for office AND MAKE YOU GO; UNO REVERSE CARD, BITCH! I'm running to quench the urge for vengeance and vendetta of mistreatment by the city of so-dumb and Gay-more-Ah a.k.a West Hollywood.

3) What do I believe in?

3A) LISTENING TO THE EXPERTS: The problem in today's Politics is that Narcissistic people in office don't listen to (Multiple) Experts. 

3B) I believe that the role of the Government is to GOVERN THE PEOPLE GRACIOUSLYTo invest in it's citizens.

3C) I believe in Science; I believe in Evolution; I believe in Secularism

4) Why Vote for me? 

4A) I'm Self-fundedI take $0 in donations from ANYONE! This allows me to judge freely without fear nor favor towards anyone. *cough* corrupt politicians 

4B) Because we need leftist leaders who're stern enough to deal with Unhinged Right-wing fascists

4C) I'm the youngest and most fertile hahaaa; I don't shy from speaking my mind and saying my truth

4B) Most other candidates aren't as transparent or descriptive of what they want to do for the city: They tell you their priorities and that's it! LOL! It's all wishful-thinking and platitudesIt's like having soup made of Water; All WaterNo Substance.

4D) I'm a One-man Army, and I am Revolutionary in my Ideas.

4E) I'm the only openly pro-ceasefire candidate.

4F) I'm Openly Homosexual and Openly Atheist; I won't use your tax dollars to go visit the pope like the conflicted Catholic-Homosexual-Who-Works-for-Planned-Parenthood Mayor Johnjust to have the catholic pope say thatc'è già troppa frociagginethere's too much FAGGOTRY in his religion 🙄 

Priorities: 1) Expose and remove that unresponsive, passive-aggressive, mid-western-pumpkin, conflicted-catholic-homosexual-that-works-at-planned-parenthood, self-aggrandizing, catholic-pope-visiting-using-your-taxes Mayor Johna.k.a Pope John the Faggot—Out of office; 2) Expose and celebrate the non-responsive, bullying, retaliatory, non-re-running-for-office, Self-aggrandizing, Running-for-other-offices-while-playing-mayor, dick-less dictator, Ayatollah Sepideh Ghafouri a.k.a Sepi Shyne (more like darkness bitch); 3) The aforementioned and the subsequent policies/platform/topics


5) Clean Initiative 

5A) Clean Air Initiative: Smoke-Free City; Ban Smoking of any combustible drug publicly where people gather and ambulate (side-walks, parks, bus stops, etc) except at designated areas.

5B) Drug-free Zone: I don't want to fucking see meth pipes being used to smoke meth and fentanyl at the bus stop: The first time I've ever seen a meth-pipe was in West HollywoodSHAME ON YOU WEST HOLLYWOOD FOR ENABLING OPEN-AIR DRUG USAGE; It's not a personal prerogative; If Second-hand cigarette smoke is bad, How much fucking worse is Methamphetamine/Fentanyl smoke?  If you want to destroy your body with chemicals, Honey! I recommend CyanideIt's much Quicker! It's insane what goes on in this city, and people act like it's reasonable and rational to let it happen; NOT UNDER MY FUCKING WATCH! I have to hold my breath whenever I see white smoke because I don't know if it's Nicotine, Methamphetamine, Heroin, or Fentanyl!!!

5C) Clean Water: Filtered Water stations

5D) Clean Streets: PressureWash the shitty and pissy side walks on a ~monthly basis.

5E) Clean Public Bathrooms With Bidets: (not the pissy, decomposing-urea smelling public bathrooms WITH NO VENTILATION at Plummer park)THIS CITY IS RAN BY A BUNCH OF PIGS OFF GRINDR WHO LOVE TO DWELL IN THEIR OWN FILTH, I SWEAR! Those bathrooms need powerwashing and an alkaline solution to get rid of Years of encrusted Human Urea; DIGOSTIN!!!!!!

5F) Install Urinals at Plummer parks: Gender neutral restrooms need not all be a-one-toilet-inefficient-room. The fact is, multiple urinals can service multiple Men who just need to peeinstead of the inefficient long lines at Plummers only two restrooms (minus the one in the back for the tenacity courts)

5G) Clean Bodies: Hand-washing stations, Public showers Clean Food: The Romans had Public Bathrooms: WEHO has public Defecation and pissing and rightfully so because WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE BATHROOMS YOU UNHYGIENIC PIGGIES?

6) Homelessness 

6A) The City of WEHO claims to have homelessness "initiative", but they all look past their prime-time and need to take a whole carton of Viagra to get any kind of "Initiative" going; The city council left me homeless; I'm the only one that has experience with being homeless due to lack of support/Exile for being Gay/Atheist/Apostate.

6B) Institutionalization of the severely Mentally-ill, and institutionalization of visible drug-addicts into rehabs; It might not be legal, but it is moralas we say in Egyptian, "YALLAH KHALASNI" let's go get the job done. as if leaving them on the street is a better option (?); That's psychotic in and itself; Shame on the Reagan Administration!!!

6C) Street Medicine: We need to be giving long-lasting anti-psychotic shots, and medication like it's candy at this point.

6D) We need to be building Micro-Efficiencies (All-inclusive Prison rooms);
Consider that society has no problem housing, feeding, clothing criminals and providing them with a bathroom, a shower, and a 24-hour police force; Block by Block Security Ambassador’s kiosk in Plummer Park, They couldn't even house a bird; It'd take them decades and decadesgoing through their inefficient bureaucracyto build a BirdhouseThey tell you sweet words of nothing and blow air up your Bussy, and then call it wind A7a (Egyptian for THE FUCK!) 

6E) Remove Hostile architectureliberty bathroom door bell cut-curb effect improves ALL our lives; Hostile, Anti-homeless architecture punishes us ALL! Do you like having a Hostile Architecture in the form of a Metal Pin up your ass being placed on seats, sidewalks, etc. Like the dildo or buttplug in your ass right now? Does the Hostile Architecture tickles you subconsciously of being FUCKED since your sexually-frustrated? Why the fuck do people do it, because It's sure not preventing people from becoming Homelessness, Sweetie!  


7) Policing & Crime (Homophobic Sherrifs)

7A) Dismantle the useless Sheriff's department (Who told me to stop calling them because I'm wasting their time After I've been robbed, assaulted, and called Fag)since they don't want to work and establish a WEHO POLICE DEPARTMENT—Hirees shall be congruent with the demographics; A certain percentage of them Shall be LGBT, Russian Speaking, Etc. I don't want no pumpkin, Straight sheriffsfrom no-where Californiato tell me it's not a hate-crime to get beat-up and called fagor that I'm wasting their time and using up their resources by calling them (bitch you're a paid PUBLIC EMPLOYEE; I'm not taking up your mother's resources); Furthermore, The Sheriffs I've interacted with DON'T LIKE THE CITY COUNCILImagine having an army with low moral and that doesn't care about actually protecting you?!? That's what we get for hiring STRAGGOT Sheriffs...Being told that being called faggot, beaten up, and robbed is NOT a hate crime, and to stop; Ok DUMB STRAGGOT SHERRIFSFIRE THEM ALL; Hire REAL OFFICERS THAT WANT TO WORK)

7B) The Sherrif's Department presence is useless in preventing crime: Across the street from their department building lay Bars WHERE PICK POCKETS RUN AMOK!!!! Criminals aren't dismayed, deterred, or phasedRead the google reviews of the bars of Hundreds of Patrons getting Pick-pocketed!!!  I don't feel safe going out, Do you?!

7C) Instead of Wasting money on Policing violent Crime (after it happened), The city shall  Arm every citizen in the WEHO  (that's willing to) with a hand gunThat might lower Violent Crime, Assaults, Violent robberies, etc. In that the public at large will know that West Hollywood residents do not play around when it comes to their safety Period

7D) I don't believe in Jail/PrisonRehabilitation, Labor, and re-compensation for the affected victim/family; Criminals shall P-A-Y for their crimes productivelyThey Should not be put into gang-infested Human zoos at Tax-payer expenses.

7E) Under the inauspiscious leadership  of the Venomous Dick-Tater Mayor John, My comments and concerns get ghosted and dismissed--Just like he dismisses people's concerns about their safety in Weho as "fear-mongering"; I don't see the Fag in public so yeah, he's got nothing to fear alright--those of us who actually ambulate outside have to watch their back at all hours of the day; We have to be careful if there are mentally deranged individuals around; I've seen people get assaulted for no reason; I've had a knife pulled on me in the afternoon this year because the deranged guy wanted me to leave because he was watching "an invistigation"--schizophrenic delusions--Just look at the crime rates (

7F) I've been called faggot more times in WEHO than anywhere else; This Homophobe in WEST HOLLYWOOD told me I was sexually harassing him because I was walking around with a rainbow flag attached to my backpack while walking on a public side walk (off Sycamore on Santa Monica Blvd)—He then sucker punched me in the jaw twice! and another time the same person attacked me off La Brea and santa Monica; The police/sherriff did nothing expect take ME to jail for defending myself. At another time off La Brea/Santa monica, This homophobe was shouting homophobic slurs infront of a kid so I told him to stop; He proceeded to spit in my face and bump into me with his fat belly; I told him to back up because he was too close with COVID going around still--and if Not I'll pepper spray him since he was provoking, and he said Go ahead and kept bumping into me so I pepper sprayed him; He told me to give him $500 dollars or else he'll tell the police something that will mak me go to jail...EXTORTION...I called the police and they again took ME to jail. FUCK THE POLICE!!! 

8) LGBT+ Renaissance: Secularization, Education, Enlightenment, & Science:

8A) We need Freedom of Religion AND Freedom FROM religion! Mayor Johnny should not be using tax dollars to go visit the popeusing your tax dollars for his religious self-aggrandizement; The Deist founding fathers would face palm 

8B) Where is the LGBT Bank? Affordable Housing Co-ops? School/University/College?  Army? Police force? Hospital? Reasearch Institute? Guilds?—We're going to need all of that if we wish to advance and have an LGBT+ Renaissance.

9) Public Works/Community Investment:  

9A)Open-air Gym 

9B) Tool-lending program at library 

9C) Basic income supplementation 

9D)Permanent, self-cleaning public toilets/showers; romans had public toilets —WEHO has shit on the side-walks deseevingly because of no public toilets — unhygienic pig council needs to provide public restrooms

 9E) PowerWash the pissy public bathrooms 

9F) Permanent Community Gardens/ Hydroponic Greenhouses in permanent buildings that can feed the community (and reduce fossil fuel consumption by providing locally grown food)

9G) More public works project to attract visitors/tourism; Something that will inspire the The Bilbao Effect in Weho.

10) Traffic/RoadWork

10A) More Roundabouts 

10B) Road/pot hole repair = Pothole inspector: Appoint a permanent Pothole inspecteurIn inspect every square inch of the city and note any: 1) Potholes--and to fill these potholes with a HOT, STEAMY, load of ASSphalt ;)

 10C) Install actual Pedestrian traffic lights (Not the flimsy yellow flashers)

10D) Invest in personal Drone/Low-flying technology 

Photo; Hermes The Greek god Hermes was the protector of traders. His task was to negotiate between warring parties and other gods. According to Harold Nicholson, Hermes had guardianship over diplomatic representatives. Hermes also symbolized charm, trickery, and cunningness. 

11) BUSINE$$:

11A) Small Business Rejuvenation 

12) Taxes, Fines, and Fees (Progressive Taxation) 

12A) Taxes, Fines, and Fees should be progressive and bases on income;

13) Minimum wage  

13A) Higher minimum wage for corporations or Companies with ~100 employees; Lower Minimum wage for local Businesses  
willing to negotiate and listen to local businesses' demands and proposals 

14) LGBT+ Bank/Credit Union formation

15) WEHO Government Corruption, Unresponsiveness, Misuse of power, Nepotism, Drama, Incompetence, and Fraud (Allegedly): 

15A) Mayor John Erickson "Pope John the Faggot"

15A1) Johnny Gaslights His citizensthat their concerns over their safety in the city of WEHO are just "Fear-mongering"; Citizens should not take Logic or life lessons from a man that claims to be a Homosexual AND Catholic AND works at planned parenthood simultaneously—Can you imagine the amount of mental gymnastics that he does to lie to himself about his conflicting identities? Is it Multiple personality disorder? Is it the  Habitual lying-to-himself ? Is it his indoctrination?—Maybe he just identifies as an octopus or a chameleon and changes textures, shapes, and colors to camouflage himself in his environment lmaooo; Richard Dawkins said, "Religious Faith is an especially potent  silencer of Rational Calculations" in his book THE GOD DELUSION; This is very much accurately so in pope John the Faggot's deluded case—and while Johnny was using YOUR TAX dollars for his self-aggrandizement to go worship the Roman Catholic Pope at the Vatican, the Pope had the immaculate conception of the epiphany that, "C'è già troppa frociaggine" that THERE IS TOO MUCH FAGGOTRY IN HIS RELIGION; The public need not vote for this Catholic-Homosexual working at Planned Parenthood Chameleon FRAUD!

15A2) Passive-aggresive johnny says, "When you email City Hall, do you not get an email back? Do you not get a phone call back?' No we don't; I've been trying to reach the city clerk since April about runing for office, and I wasn't able to get a hold of her until July... Wh

15A3) Praise-kinky johnny says, "I’m going to be running a positive campaign like I always did. I’m not going to be getting into the mud because I believe that residents want a positive mayor and a positive candidate"—And it's evident because he doesn't respond to criticism, AND HE GASLIGHTS CITIZENS' CONCERNS AS "FEARMONGERING"

Citizens should NOT trust Johnny  who minimizes peoples' concerns for their safety As "fear-mongering"; Citizens should not a conflicted Catholic Homosexual that works at Planned ParenthoodCan you imagine the amount of mental gymnastics he has to do? He is suffering from cognitive dissonance sans précédent!!! He's an octipus and a chameleon; He changes textures, colors, and size if his profile is a Catholic, Homosexual that works as at PLANNED PARENTHOOD of all places; The Cognitive dissonance must be insurmountable!!!


15B) Ex-Mayor Sepi Shyne (Ayatollah Ghafouri/Dick-Less-Dictatorial-Dyke)

16B1) She tells people "Do you know how much power I have?" and removes her appointees after placing them in flagrant retaliation—If they dare take the wrong step: She abuses her power and intimidates people; Let me tell you this Ghafouri: IMMIGRANTS COME TO THIS COUNTRY TO ENJOY ITS FREEDOMS —If you want to be an Ayatollah, go fucking back to Iran Wanna-be Dick-Less Dicktating DYKE! Disgusting bully. YOU CAN TAKE THE GIRL OUT OF IRAN, BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE THE IRAN OUT OF THE GIRL! GOOD RIDDANCE! She can also take her corrupt Consultant that swore her in being found guilty of bribery—Melahat Rafiei—And we know what birds of a feather do right? Mhmmm! 

15B2) She claims to have power—LOL—Bitch What power? She can't Keep a marriage; She can't keep her composure in the council chambers (The first time I came to speak at the Council chambers—whilst she was still Mayor—she had to leave due to a make-belief PANIC ATTACK; Psycho bitch ALERT!), and she can't keep her fickleness in check as she removes her appointees in CLEAR, FLAGRANT, RETALIATION!!! She does NOT exhibit POWER; She exhibits INSTABLITYYYYYYY; Psychotic, Bullying Bitch.

15B3) She claims to be a "Woman of color", But very much behaves like a WHITE KAREN! 

15B4) She has a Minor in Drama, but that's her Major from the looks of it.

15B5) "Former chairman of the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Keith Kaplan accused Mayor Sepi Shyne of trying to have him removed from the organization’s Board of Directors in retaliation for a letter to the editor he submitted to WEHOville in December. Kaplan phoned in to City Council’s meeting Monday night during the public comment period to discuss the incident, later calling for her removal from office.

Shyne continued to press for Kaplan’s removal from the Board of Directors at one point exclaiming to Morrill, ‘do you know how much power I have’" 

"You, Ms Shyne do not understand the meaning of respect nor have I seen any sign since the very first time I interviewed you that you are deserving of any respect.  You are unworthy to sit as a public official and it is an embarrassment to our city that you will now serve as our Mayor."  Keith Kaplan

15B6) "Shyne began her campaign almost immediately after she assumed the role of mayor and spent the full year on the campaign trail."

15B7) The removal of Wright is the second high-profile commissioner to be removed in the last month. Shyne dismissed NiK Kacy from the LGBTQ+ Commission in mid-May on the first day of Equality Fashion Week. 

15B8) " While serving as Mayor Shyne also fired Keely Field, her direct appointment to the Women’s Advisory Board. Field was dismissed after a story credit for her work behind the Drink Test Strips that ware being rolled out at all West Hollywood bars.   Shyne dismissed Field despite Field’s role as Chair of the Womens Advisory Board and just weeks before Domestic Violence Month programming that Field was overseeing..   “You can go as a guest”,  said the vindictive Mayor Shyne."

15B9) "NiK Kacy, former member of the LGBTQ+ Commission, took to the public comment podium at the commission’s Thursday night June meeting. Kacy was dismissed by Councilmember Shyne after the designer decided against having Shyne participate as a runway model in the Equality Fashion Week Presentatio" 

Bitch you ain't no model, SEPIDEH; sit down, delusional Ursula 

15B10) "The retaliation against Kacy was not the first time that Councilmember Shyne has used her position to undermine the work of her own direct appointees. In another instance, Shyne fired Keely Field from the Women’s Advisory Board just weeks before the Domestic Violence Month programming. Field, who was serving as Chair of the Women’s Advisory Board and was in charge of the programming, was told, “You can go as a guest,” after an op-ed in these pages which promoted the Drink Test Strips that Field had championed. Shyne also tried to have Keith Kaplan removed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce after his op-ed."

15B11) "My name is Leon Elias Wu, I am the founder and creative director of Sharpe Suiting; I texted Sepi some of my ideas and requested that she create a message that would be authentically hers. She did not respond. With no response, I felt that I had no choice but to make the difficult decision to inform her that I’d like her to step down as a model for this opportunity, mostly out of concern for the public safety of the show, but also because my show was about peace and anti-war and I did not want to be silent over the controversy surrounding her appearance. Sepi’s action was retaliation and therefore a serious injustice to our community.”

This unrepentant, white-washed, self-aggrandizing, retaliatory, totalitarian dyke! She Can't keep a marriage; She can't keep her composure at the council meeting (has make-belief panic-attack; And she can't keep her flagrant retaliatory behavior at bay!!! She's a GRANDE BULLY, AND I WILL NOT RESPECT BULLIES!!!


15C) City clerk didn't respond to my email/calls/voice mails about running for office back in April--when the mayor was announcing his!

15D) Address inefficiencies in Federal government in WEHO like Miss "Eve" who works at the WEHO USPS and has hundreds of negative reviews and has discriminated against me  and refused to do a service that USPS customer service said she could; Instead she told me to go to a private mailing service?!?! Like she doesn't want to work!

15E) Freedom of Speech is not a protected right in the City of West Hollywood; We need to bring back FREEDOM OF SPEECH

16) Candidate Drama: 

16A) The websites of most of the candidates running all look like  mirror, copy-cats of each other; It's as if they all copied each other's homeworkor they went to the same web developer *DEAD*

16B) Look at the Nepotism 

17) Voting Dates: 

17A) Registered voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot October 7; Ballot drop-off locations open October 8, 2024; Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on/ before Election Dayand received by November 12

17B) Early in-person voting: October 26

17C) last day to register to vote: October 21

17D) General Municipal Election: Tuesday, November 5, 2024

18) Presidential Election: Who Am I voting for?

Jill Stein

19) Israel-Hamas War:

19A) There needs to be a cease-fire and a two-state solution enacted; All Israeli Illegal settlements in the west bank must be stopped: You cannot have peace with your neighbor and steal from his land.

19B) AIPAC needs to register as a foreign agent lobbying on behalf of a foreign government; No other governmentFriend or foeHas much in

19C) The Butcherer of GazaRight-Wing Netenyahuhas claimed that Gays for Gaza is akin to Chickens for KFC, but Israel doesn't Have marriage equality; Supporting Genocide isn't a gay ideal.

Israel has Won the battle, but lost the cultural war. Israel is putting Jews worldwide at risk for killing civilians in the name of ALL JEWS AND JUDAISM. If Israel wants peace, why does Israel aggress? International court of justice ruled Israel is occupying the West Bank

20) Sex, Sexuality, and Nudity:

20A) Decriminalize and tax sex-work

20B) Make WEHO a safe-haven for LGBT+ Refugees; 

20C) Decriminalize Nudity: Nudity in itself is not wrongPrude Judeo-christian-Islamic values should not be superimposed upon everyone in the 21st century.

21) Climate Change

21A) We must inquire experts on an approach that a small city can achieve to improve our standing on the insidious climate change around usas climate change is a global phenomena 

 21B) We need more local food production/gardens/animal husbandry/greenhouses and indoor-gardening.