The Antinoan Organization is A non-profit organization that promotes New Atheism, Science, Enlightenment, Rénaissance, and Secularism—primarily in English and Egyptian Arabic; We are Anti-religion—especially Anti-Islam, Anti-Islamic colonialism, and Anti-Sharia law—and Anti-Leftist; We are Pro-gay rights🏳️🌈, Pro-America🗽🇺🇸, and Pro-Israel🇮🇱 We are Right-wing Leaning➡️
مؤسسه انتنوان هي مؤسسه غير ربحيه تدعم التنوير والإلحاد الاجابي والعلم والنهضه والعلمانيه بلغه الانجليزيه والمصري؛ نحن ضد الاديان— خصوصاً الاسلام، واحتلال الاسلامي للشرق الاوسط والشريعه الاسلاميه—وضد اليسار؛ نحن ندعم ثقافه امريكا🇺🇸 واسرائيل 🇮🇱بمعني الثقافه الغربيه وحرور الجنسيه🏳️🌈 وحرور المراءه الخ. احنا نميل الي اليمين سياسياً ➡️
"Man Created God in his Image"—Hisham AlMasry'
Table of Contents:
Website under construction 🚧
Atheist Country📍& Constitution📜
We should start our own Atheist country because secularism isn't good enough—Freedom of Religion is NOT good enough—We need freedom FROM religion!
We need a country that is ran by a technocratic meritocracy with competent Aheists ruling; Atheism, Rénaissance, & Science hailing the way!
In the meanwhile, we should establish an Atheist Bank/Credit Union, Housing co-ops, Guilds, Research Institutes, Farms, Etc. in order to be self-sufficient;
We need organization, specialization, and agglutination
We need an Atheist Constitution
Atheist Constitution (by Grok)
Here's a draft for an "Atheist Constitution" that outlines principles and rights from a secular, non-theistic perspective:
We, the citizens of a secular society, in order to establish a framework of governance free from religious influence, promote rational thinking, ensure the separation of church and state, and secure the blessings of liberty, equality, and scientific advancement to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Atheist Constitution for our society.
Article I: Fundamental Principles
Secularism: The state shall remain neutral in matters of religion or belief, ensuring no promotion or discouragement of any religious or non-religious views.
Freedom of Thought and Expression: All individuals have the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and expression, including the right to not believe or to criticize religious beliefs without fear of persecution or discrimination.
Separation of Church and State: There shall be no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, ensuring that government actions are based on secular reasoning and evidence.
Education: Education shall be secular, encouraging critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the understanding of various worldviews without religious indoctrination.
Article II: Rights and Freedoms
Equality: All citizens are equal before the law, regardless of religion, belief, or lack thereof. No laws shall discriminate on the basis of religious belief or its absence.
Freedom from Religion: No one shall be compelled to participate in, acknowledge, or fund religious activities or symbols against their will.
Right to Privacy: Personal beliefs, including atheism or agnosticism, shall be treated as private unless willingly disclosed by the individual.
Freedom of Assembly: The right of individuals to assemble peacefully to discuss, debate, or advocate for secularism or atheism is guaranteed.
Article III: Government and Civic Life
Oaths: Public oaths or affirmations shall not include religious references or requirements, allowing for secular affirmations.
Public Policy: Policies shall be based on empirical evidence, rational analysis, and the common good, not religious doctrine.
Holidays: Public holidays shall be inclusive, celebrating cultural, historical, or national significance without specific religious connotations unless they represent a cultural tradition shared by the broader community.
Article IV: Amendments
Amendment Process: This Constitution may be amended by a process involving public debate, evidence-based discussion, and a democratic vote, ensuring that changes reflect the will and rational consensus of the people.
Article V: Ethical Framework
Humanism and Morality: The ethical framework of this society shall be based on humanistic values, promoting compassion, fairness, cooperation, and respect for all sentient beings, derived from human reason rather than divine command.
Responsibility: Citizens are encouraged to act responsibly towards each other and the environment, guided by principles of sustainability and the scientific understanding of our world.
This Atheist Constitution is established to serve as a foundation for a society where science, reason, and humanism guide our actions, ensuring a world where everyone can live free from religious oppression or imposition, fostering a community of mutual respect, critical thought, and shared human values.
Note: This draft is conceptual and would need refinement based on specific cultural, legal, and societal contexts. It aims to reflect principles important to secularism and atheism while ensuring inclusivity and respect for all beliefs or lack thereof.
Why Turn Atheist?
God was created in the Image of man: An insecure, hormonal man from the Bronze Age; He requires daily praise and worship eternally because he's unsure of himself.
God is man's go-to explanation of the unknown
Religion is Magic
80+ Atheist Life Philosophies 💭
80+ Brief Philosophies(Theory of Everything)
• Every Person must learn through experience and accumulate philosophy in order to survive—and update their philosophy if contradictory new information is inputed like "Software updates" on a Phone—for those who don't adapt are more likely to go extinct!
Life & Existing:
The goal of Life is life itself—Your Raison d'être is Living & Stayin' Alive; Passing on your genetics, epigenetics, knowledge, and skill—Etc.
• Your Life is But Time; Your Life Is your experience—and your experience is gained by the more time you've spent on Earth; Therefore, your Life is merely the seconds, minutes, and hours (time) you've spent on Earth; Time is the most importance commodity one has—because your life is but timeExperience:
Life is a dynamic learned lesson—You live and you learn and revise
Amor Fati & Übermensch:
Joie de vivre / Epicureanism
Productivity/Carpe diem
Positive Escapism (avoir un jardin secret)
Evolutionarily speaking, people died early and therefore what mattered most was looks! Why? Because phenotypical good looks = symmetry = able-bodied muscle = good genetic mixture = better immune system = to fight pathogens 🧬
Sex & Sexual Orientation:
Fear/Anxiety: Fear is/was an important evolutionary behavior in for survival because those who weren't scared of let's say a lion were more likely to being in harm's way.
• Fear may also be why many people don't take risks for fear of harm i.e. to survive on what we know v.s. take risks doing the unknown; Both have degrees of success / loss evolutionarily speaking—One can try to calculate risks or —more likely— people simply go for it and let the risks unfold and manifest.
Wasting Time / Efficiency:
Humans do not come with an instruction manual besides The inherent epigenetics, hormones, and ingrained social-cue emotion processing; Therefore, one has to work on focusing on the important things in life and not get distracted by the vain things.
Animalistic desires
Sexual deprivation
Money, Children, & Hoarding:
Philosophies of Belief
Choice and Fate:
Science, Evolution, and Enlightenment:
Brain likes shortcuts; Blindly believing is a shortcut.
Religion as a kinship tribe
Justice, Injustice, & Moving on (game theory):
Mental Illness:
Simulation & Dreams:
Nature vs Nurture:
Geography & Climate:
Logic, feelings, & Emotion:
Self-Flagellation & Self-Harm:
Showing off:
Mating dance
Community & Tribalism:
Coexistence, cheating, & Game theory:
Coincidence & Randomness:
Theory of All
Politics—Bread and Circus:
Right vs Left-Wing:
Fighting Back & Pacifism
Ghosting: Nonverbal communication
Stupidity & Vainness:
Compromise & All-or-Nothing:
Change & Unconditional Love:
Many people are incapable of change because they're stuck in their "operating system"
Anger & Emotional Outbursts:
Happiness & Content:
Democracy & Dictatorships:
Reciprocal Altruism
Capitalism & Trade
Human Instinct
Language - -The goal of language is to deliver information
Non-verbal communication
Public Fear(?)
Filling in the void
Daddy/Mommy Issues
Evolutionary psychology
Social Evolution
Technology, memes, and behavior
Closed-mindedness—Bring open-minded to change may break someone's operating system—that's why some people are so stubborn towards change
Agency & Negative Escapism
Admitting fault & denial
Adolescence & Peer pressure
Mercurial Happenstance, haphazard worriedly incompetence
Suicide: -Teen death—
Hopelessness & Learned Helplessness
Death is like the pre-life; Nothing!
Why are we Atheists?—from Islam🕋
For short, because Islam behaves as a Mafia in religious clothing;
Islam was spread by the sword and colonized/Invaded the Middle East; Entering Islam was coerced;
The punishment for leaving Islam is DEATH.
If you are Christian/Jew, you are obligated to pay TRIBUTE (Jizya) under Sharia Law so Muslims don't kill you while you are Lowly (Saghir)—Which is Racist.
If you aren't (mainly) a Christian/Jew, it's either you convert to Islam or die under Sharia Law
Islam is an intolerant religion (e.g. There are 0 churches in Saudi Arabia)
The Sharia law of Islam is against innovation; It's not suitable for every time and every place as Muslims ascertain.
Islam is terroristic
Islam is Racist (against non-Muslims)
Islam is Anti-scientific: Muhammed's mother was pregnant with him for 4 years (e.g instead of admitting she had extramarital sex, Muslims claim she was pregnant for 4 years; Was she carrying a Human or a Dinosaur?!?!
Islam allows beating of women (wives) to coerce their submission;
Islam allows Pedophilia; Marrying children (having sex with children's thighs until they're of age)
The witness of a woman is equal to 1/2 a man—you need TWO WOMEN as witnesses to equal ONE—Is this a godly religion, or just a religion from a tribalistic Bedouins?
The inheritance of a Woman is 1/2 that of a man.
A man can marry 4 wives, but a woman can't
Most of the people in hell are women
A Man will receive dozens of women in heaven, but a woman can't expect to receive much (Islamic Heaven is a man's world)—in fact, if you're a wife, you'll be watching your man have sex with dozens of women in Islamic Heaven while you also serve him.
Money should not be given to Women as they are feeble-minded (sofaha2 سفهاء)
Islam allows pedophilia;
Islam allows Child-marriage
Islam allows thigh-sex with underage girls that haven't reached puberty
Muhammad ordered an entire Arab-Jewish tribe to be genocided—including any boys that had grown even a hair of pubic hair
Islamic Mythology:
Satan reproduces in two ways: He lays eggs or because he's a hermaphrodite—He has a penis and a vagina on each side of his thighs—He just fucks himself to reproduce 😳
If you eat with your left hand, Satan eats with you—what food is he eating? Because I don't see my food being eaten!
Angel of Thunder hits clouds with whip to make rain come down!
Why are we Atheists—From Christianity?⛪️
If Jesus is god wouldn't he had explain his very nature so people wouldn't be fighting over his own being? Why would a god let humans devate over HIS nature? Does Apple/Google etc. give you dubious terms and conditions so people can debate over them, or do they give clear contracts for you to sign? Why couldn't this Bronze-age/Classical-Era god give clear instructions? Maybe because the scriptures were written by rudimentary Humans About their idea of their god!
Why are we Atheists— From Judaism🕍
•The Torah begins with a logical Fallacy—Appeal to Ignorance: In the beginning Ellohim created the Heavens and the Earth—Where is the proof that the god of the ancient, Bronze-Aged Hebrews created the world? Every people and their uncle ascribed that claim to their god.
Logical Fallacies in the Quran🤡
Logical fallacies in the Quran:
The Quran—like the Bible — begins with a logical Fallacy:
1:1 In the name (authority) of Allah—The most Gracious, The most Merciful
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to authority—Just because something is written "in the name of" a god, doesn't make it divine—Just like the "Authorized" King James version of the Bible; Authority doesn't equal divinity—It's authoritarian coercion.
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance—Where is the proof confirming of such attributes? We will see in Subsequent verses that ascribe Allah with contradictory attributions; E.g. Allah is the most Merciful, but is simultaneously severe in punishment—Which is it?; Allah will not hesitate to roast you disproportionately forever in a Hellfire if you disbelieve in his existence in your ~100-year lifetime; I.e The punishment does not fit the crime; Also, this negates the "most merciful" attribute of Allah because some Humans—myself included— wouldn't want to punish someone forever if they wronged them—What's the point? This doesn't sound like a Just being, but a sadistic, mentally-ill one! This means that Humans—myself included—are more merciful than Allah; I wouldn't punish people forever; Eternal punishment is unjust because it's more severe than the actual crime. If Allah created and knows everything, then is he just playing games of Sadism?
Scientific Mistakes in the Quran🔬
Semen is produce in your back
Outside the Quran:
Islam is Anti-scientific: Muhammed's mother was pregnant with him for 4 years (e.g instead of admitting she had extramarital sex, Muslims claim she was pregnant for 4 years; Was she carrying a Human or a Dinosaur?!?!
Linguistic Mistakes in the Quran🗣️
Allah claims that he doesn't guide The Disbelievers—The wording here is plural and expansive towards ALL Disbelievers—But this is false because Allah DOES guide the disbelievers; Everyone before accepting Islam WAS a Disbeliever; If Allah was not going to guide the Disbelievers, who's he suppose to guide? The believers?
The Islamic Shahada—The initiation conversion statement bearing witness that there's no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger—Is in fact bearing false witness; You neither witness Allah nor Mohammed 😐
The Quran contains abbreviations that have no meaning in Arabic—E.g. ALM, ALR, HM, KHYAS! The Quran claims that no one knows the true meaning of the Quran except for ALLAH—Then what's the point of telling gibberish? Is this a representative of a deity of Billions of galaxies or the work of man?
Historical Mistakes in the Quran🏰
Marry being described as "sister of Aaron"
Quran: An Atheist's Translation—with Commentary, & Logical Fallacies!
Quran: An Atheist's Translation
—with Commentary, Articles and 1001 Arabian Logical Fallacies!
The Quran contains the MOST Logical Fallacies of ANY book on planet Earth!!!
Proof that:
Allah is man-made
Islam is Terrorism
Every Muslim is a Terrorist
Why Muslims will LOOSE!
Islamophobia is JUSTIFIED!
Selected articles:
Abrahamic religions are a VIRUS
Monotheism is a threat to democracy and world peace
Man made God in HIS Human image
Geography dictates the god
By Ramesses ii Setepenre—A
Greco-Egyptian-American Nationalist, Anti-Theist Atheist, Homeless, Homosexual, Ex-Quranic-Muslim, MAGA Republican, Violinist, Farmer, and Crusader for Enlightenment, Science, Knowledge, and Rénaissance!
Chapter one: The Prelude
1:1 In the authority of Allah—The most Gracious, The most Merciful
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to authority—Just because something is written "in the name of" a god, doesn't make it divine—Just like the "Authorized" King James version of the Bible; Authority doesn't equal divinity—It's authoritarian coercion.
Allah is sometimes translated as "God", "The god", or as a personal name of God "Allah" like "YHWH"; The Abrahamic, pastoralist desert deity—I left it as the personal name "Allah"
مغلطه منطقيه ان القران بيبدء باسم الله يعني بيجبرك ان تؤن به عشان هو مكتوب باسم اله—Appeal to Authority
1:2 Praise be to Allah—Lord of the worlds
Logical Fallacy: Post hoc fallacy—Where's the proof he's Lord?; Every religion thinks their god is the lord of something; Allah is just another poser.
1:3 The most Gracious, The most Merciful
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance—Where is the proof confirming of such attributes? We will see in Subsequent verses that ascribe Allah with contradictory attributions; E.g. Allah is the most Merciful, but is simultaneously severe in punishment—Which is it?; Allah will not hesitate to roast you disproportionately forever in a Hellfire if you disbelieve in his existence in your ~100-year lifetime; I.e The punishment does not fit the crime; Also, this negates the "most merciful" attribute of Allah because some Humans—myself included— wouldn't want to punish someone forever if they wronged them—What's the point? This doesn't sound like a Just being, but a sadistic, mentally-ill one! This means that Humans—myself included—are more merciful than Allah; I wouldn't punish people forever; Eternal punishment is unjust because it's more severe than the actual crime. If Allah created and knows everything, then is he just playing games of Sadism?
1:4 King—on the day of Judgment
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance—We are suppose to wait until Judgement day for confirmation if Allah is truly a King!
Most common reading of this verse—there are DIFFERENT READINGS/DIALECTS OF THE QURAN!—is said and translated as "Possessor of the Day of Judgement"—but it's obvious that Allah would be the possessor/controller of Judgement Day; Who else is going to run the show?!—The other reading is translated as "King ON the day of Judgment" which is more sensible since it's clear that he is NOT king now or ruling any tangible, earthly kingdom!
1:5 It's you whom we servilely worship; It's you whom we ask for help
Dictator Allah is setting you up for lifelong servitude, dependency, manipulation, and enslavement!—Allah wants willful, submissive soldier-slaves!
1:6 Please guide us in the right direction; The direction of the Blessed—Not of the Accursed (Jews), or The—misguidedly—Lost (Christians)
Allah is overly-concerned with—and loves to pick favorites between—Middle-Eastern Pastoralist groups—like Hebrews/Arabs—then starts drama and backtracks—even though there is a lesson inferred to not pick favorites—as that leads to family fueds— in the story of Joseph and his sons.
Allah claims later to ostensibly be omnipotent/omniscient, but he simultaneously can't seem to get people to do what he wants! He deflects the blame onto the people themselves/their vices/The Devil—even though he claims to have created all of them—AND that he knows their past, present, and future; This means that The god is either evil—because He CHOOSES to create evil/good, then CHOOSES to willfully condone evil instead of stopping it—or maybe He isn't omniscient or omnipotent after all!
Chapter 2: The (Red) Heifer
2:1 A.L.M
These are random gibberish letters with disputed meaning read as acronyms; The Quran keeps invoking the premise later on that it's inspired in "plain Arabic language"—that people could understand—but then blurts out random letters that people have historically debated the meaning of since it's inception; Allah says Lies!
Lowlah fosilat ayateh; blind faith
Allah—or Muhammed—likes playing games.
2:2 This Book—containing no doubt—Is a guide for the Pious;
As we will see, there are PLENTY of doubts in the schizophrenic ramblings of this convoluted book, and its plenty of "abrogations" !
The other dialectical reading of this verse is, "UNDOUBTEDLY, this book contains guidance for the pious"—Which is a logical fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance—Ok, Where is this guidance? We will later learn that the Pious have to fish-out and play puzzle with the convoluted/spread-out Quranic verses in order to fit them together with all the abrogations in order to make sense of the very book—Or the pious can just blindly believe as is the stipulation to be a Pious individual; They say, "We hear, and We Obey!" I.e Blindly following without questioning! Allah wants obedient—Brain-dead— slave-soldiers!
2:3 The Pious are those who blindly believe (lit. Believe in the "Unseen"), do their daily prayers(Salat), and give to charity;
Note how believing blindly is a stipulation to be Pious—It's true!—One must shut their mind in order to believe such delusions, logical fallacies, and contradictions in this very book!
Salat is the Islamic copy of the Jewish Amidah—Standing Prayer; You'll see (Sunni) Muslims do it 5x a day
2:4 The Pious are those who believe in this inspiration, the previous inspirations, and are certain that Judgment day will come;
Appeal to Ignorance
2:5 The Pious are being guided by Allah himself—They are going to be successful
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance
Successful in what aspect exactly?—Religious? Financial? Psychological? Intellectual?—and In this life or the afterlife? Just vaguely successful! Yipeee!
2:6 The Disbelievers will never be able to believe in this inspiration—whether you warn them about it or not; They will still not believe it it!
Allah is the one who chooses who CAN and CANNOT believe—We will see why in the next verse;
2:7 This is BECAUSE Allah blocked their hearts (minds), hearing, and eyesight from understanding it with an Obfuscation; Awaiting them is a severe punishment!
Allah claims to have the ability to choose who CAN and CANNOT understand the Quran—and who will believe and disbelieve in it—What's the point of send it then? Does he want people to believe or not? If he chooses, then why not bring upon Judgment Day already? Why the Dramatics?—Ridiculous!
The Quran cites the rudimentary belief that the Heart is the center of thought—not the Brain; This alone proves that the Quran is not from a divine deity—but from the conscious/subconscious/schizophrenic delusions of Muhammed based on the surrounding belief systems like Unitarian Christianity and Judaism in Arabia—Muhammed used to be an ascetic; He got his first revelations some while "mediating" in a Cave is—sounds like auditory hallucinations by-way of sensory deprivation to me!
Xxx ibn waraka
We'll see in verse xxx that Allah got upset, lost his cool, and acted out of anger that xxx this shows the fallibility, and humanistic traits of The god.
2:8 There are Hypocrites who proclaim their faith in Allah— and in Judgment Day—but they're only lying.
2:9 The Hypocrites think they're deceiving Allah and the Believers—but they're only deceiving themselves!
Looks like yes they did deceive Allah and the Believers—and Muhammed is just saying this to sniff them out and see who will confess!
2:10 The Hypocrites suffering from cognitive dissonance (lit. There's a disease in their HEARTS), so Allah INCREASED the dissonance in their minds (lit. Increased the disease in their HEARTS)—They'll be punished painfully because they lied
Allah perpetuates the unscientific, rudimentary belief that people think with their hearts—instead of their brains! Allah doesn't know anatomy; He relies on the anatomy of the Arabs!
If Allah can make people not believe, then why doesn't he make these hypocrites believe, stop lying, and get it over with; Allah loves DRAMA; The Abrahamic god (Allah/Yawuwah/Jesus) is a stereotypical homosexual—He loves drama, theatrics, prefers the company of men; He doesn't have sex with women—he artificial conceives with them in the NT. Even in the Quran, Allah says he doesn't have a female mate...wonder why; he's a Ho Mo Sexual! That's why!
2:11 If the Hypocrites are told, "Don't spread 'corruption' on Earth", they'll respond with, "We're only rebuilding"
The Quran doesn't define what corruption entails; Muhammed LOVES to keep things vague—Like when people asked him about the Holy Spirit, He replied, "It's from Allah, and you weren't given except a little knowledge about it" and left it at that; Some people translate Corruption as pollution, but in other verses the punishment for corruption is good ol' Sharia Law of cutting hands and feet off!
2:12 They're actually are the ones destroying the planet, unknowingly!
Allah is omnipotent but blames people for destroying the planet; Why doesn't he do something about it? If People don't know they're wrong, why is Allah blaming them? If he had the power to make them believers and change people, then why doesn't he do it? Allah condone Evil; Therefore, Allah IS Evil—Same with ANY god.
2:13 If the Hypocrites are told, "Why don't you believe like the believers?", They respond with, "Are we suppose to believe like the idiots believe?!"—It is actually they who are the Idiots, unknowingly!
Allah doesn't provide reasons for people to believe! Allah name-calls people—HIS creations!—He is name-calling HIMSELF because he could easily change them if he is truly omnipotent!!!
You know what? The Hypocrites have a point; Allah and his followers are idiots because they're following something without proof, without logical thought, and without reason.
Allah name-calls without providing proof for his point!
2:14 If the Hypocrites come across the Believers, they proclaim their belief—But when they're with the enemies of the Believers, they proclaim their allegiance to them; They tell them, "We're actually with you; We're just mocking the Believers"
2:15 —Allah mocks them by leading blindly on in their wrongdoing.
Allah is sadistic and likes to play games; He doesn't sound like the creates of the world or anything; He dooms like a hormonal teenager wanting to fight; In fact, Muhammed describes Allah as a teenager with curly hair—wearing a green shawl and sitting on a gold throne; Befitting subconscious description of Muhammed's fabricated god!
2:16 These are those who traded guidance for misuse; There sale was thus unsuccessful; They weren't guided
So why didn't you guide them yourself, Allah? Because you're not omnipotent—You're just a fabrication of Muhammed.
Parable of the Match
2:17 Their Parable is that of someone who lights up a match—in order to see their surroundings—and when they do see what's around, Allah SNATCHES away their light (presumably blows it out by the wind), and leaves them blind in the dark!
Allah is the one who blows away their light (guidance); Allah CREATES his own problems!!!! Allah is a sadistic dictator.
ibn waraqa xxx parable-style borrowed from Christianity
2:18 Dumb, Deaf, and blind; Lost!
Muhammed's Allah loves to insult people!
Parable of the Thunderstorm
2:19 Their parable is also that of a thunderstorm; They cover their ears with their fingers from the loudness of the thunderstorm; Allah envelopes the Disbelievers
2:20 The Lightning acts as their eyes—Wherever it shines, they see; Whenever it stops, they stand still—If Allah wishes, he would've taken their eyesight and hearing as well; Allah is omnipotent!
Muhammed's Allah is omnipotent only when it comes to sadism.
2:21 People! You better worship your Lord—The one who created you and those before you—SO that you may become Fervent xxx
Logical Fallacy: Allah assumes were created and not evolved—Created from a lump of clay (A belief taken from ancient Egypt—from the god Khnum) xxx
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to ignorance—Where's the proof that Allah created us? SHOW US YOUR PROOF! Instructs the Quran to Retort—but when it comes to Allah/Muhammed/Quran, there's NO PROOF provided; one must blindly believe to be Pious (2:2)
2:22 Your Lord is the one who made the Earth Habitable xxx frasha, the sly like a piller xxx
Sky like a pillar?
2:23 And if you're in doubt to what are have descended upon our slave (Muhammed), THEN come up with a chapter like it, and call upon your witnesses besides Allah of you're truthful!
Logical Fallacy: xxx
Allah doesn't provide proof for his book or to dispel any doubts people have—If you have any doubts that the Mona Lisa isn't from God, paint one like it! The logical fallacy is so ridiculous! Allah is a akin to a street scammer!
2:24 If you don't—and you'll never be able to—then spare yourselves the Hellfire that's fueled by people and rocks—Waiting for the Disbelievers!
Logical Fallacy xxx
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force— xxx
Allah doesn't offer convincing arguments LOL! If you don't believe in Muhammed, you'll be thrown in a future hellfire; Muhammed IS THE FIRST ISLAMIC TERRORIST; He used terror to force people to believe in him AFTER peaceful prostlyiezation didn't work in Mecca!
2:25 Give good news to those who believe and do good that awaiting them are Heavenly Gardens with streams flowing through them—Wherever they eat the heavenly fruits, they will exclaim, "Wow this is what we used to eat on Earth; They resemble each other!"—They will also be provided with holy Mates, and they'll reside in Heaven forever! Xxx
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance
Allah's Parable Talk
2:26 Allah don't shy away from citing Parables—Be it a Fly or something bigger—The Believers will know that they are The Truth from their Lord! The Disbelievers will be dumbfounded and say, "What did Allah mean by the Parable?"—Allah therefore guides many and misguides many by them; He only misguides the fasiqeen xxx
But Allah does shy away from giving actual proofs LOL!
Abu Waraqa xxx
Allah chooses to misguide people
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to ignorance
2:27 They are those who break Allah's covenant after swearing to uphold it; They obfuscate Allah's commandments—and they spread corruption on the planet—They will be the Losers!
2:28 How could you Disbelieve in Allah when you were dead, but he made you alive—He will then make you die and come back from the dead one more time—Then you'll return to him.
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion—Awww Allah is guilt tripping you because he claims to have caused us to become Alive (without consent because you know, Allah is a dictator and all!)
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance—Where the proof that Allah created us or caused us to become alive/dead? Muhammed's Allah loves to make empty claims—He's a street scammer
2:29 He is the one that created everything on Earth—then he turned to the sky and made them 7 skies—He is Omniscient!
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance—Where the proof of Allah's claims?
2:30 When Allah Proclaimed to the Angels, "I will place a "Khalifa"—The Angels themselves objected and said, "So are you going to place someone who will speed corruption and shed blood?—While we praise you with thanks and sanctify you!?" Allah simply said, "I know better than you!"
Allah is inventing
Allah is Speciest xxx
Allah loves logical fallacies
Allah is a dictator
Even Allah's Angels by Muhammad's own admission object to his actions!—The Angels find Allah's actions abominable cxx
2:31 Allah taught Adam all of the names, then he gathered the Angels and told them to disclose any knowledge they had about the names 2:32 The Angels exclaimed, "Praise be to you! Our knowledge is limited; We only know what you teach us!—You are the Omniscient, the Wise! 2:33 Allah said to Adam, "Disclose to them" and when Adam disclosed to them, Allah said, "Did I not tell you I know every secret in the Heavens and on Earth?—and that I know what you declare and what you conceal?"
2:34 When we ordered the Angels to "Prostrate to Adam", they all did except Iblis (Satan)—He arrogantly refused and was among the disbelievers!
Iblis xxx
Who's "We"? ; Allahom is plural xxx
2:35 We told Adam, "Live in Heaven alongside your Wife and eat from it as you wish—but don't approach this tree; You'll be a Sinner if you do!"
2:36 Their adversary—Satan—Enticed them with the illicit tree, made them fall for it, and made them get kicked out; We told them, "Get out! You'll both be enemies of one another! Descend to Earth where you'll have resources and fun on Earth until a predetermined time!"
azal xxx
Fun ?
2:37 Adam received words from his Lord and made him repent; Allah is The repenter, The Forgiver" xxxxx
2:38 We said, "Everyone descend from Heaven! (to Earth); I'll send my guidance down—and whoever follows my guidance will not fear or be depressed!"
who is we
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to ignorance—Allah is saying we were all living in Heaven and we were reborn into Earth? Xxx zoriyatahom
2:39 However, those who disbelieve in our guidances will be the residents of the Hellfire—Forever!"
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance
Allah's Chosen People!
2:40 Children of Israel: Remember my blessing! Fulfill your part of the covenant—so that I fulfill my part of the covenant—and only fear me! 2:41 Believe in this Quran; It confirms in what you have—Don't be the first one to disbelieve in it! Don't trade my commandments for a cheap gain; Revere me! 2:42 Don't dress the truth in falsehood—and knowingly hide the truth! 2:43 Establish the Amidah, give the Tzakat, and Associate with the Humble! 2:44 You command people to be righteous, but you forget your own selves!—While you recite the Book!—Don't be Hypocrites!
2:45 Persevere with patience and prayers; It's a difficult thing to do except for the Reverent!—2:46 Those who assume they'll meet their Lord and will return to him 2:47 Children of Israel: Remember my blessing! I've favored you from among all the world 2:48 Be mindful of a day when no soul can help another, any intercession will be accepted, or any atonement will be accepted; Nothing will help!
Allah is tit-for-tat
Here we go with Allah's chosen desert-people
Tzakat xxx
Erk3o m3 el rak3een = meek?
Al bir ?
2:49 We saved you from Pharaoh's people as they were treating you badly; They were killing your sons, but sparing your daughters! In that was a great test from your Lord!
who's we
Bala2 xxx
2:50 You watched as we divided the sea, saved you, and then drowned Pharaoh's people
2:51 We promised Moses 40 nights, but you took the Golden Calf, wrongly! 2:52 We overlooked that you so that you may be thankful! 2:53 We gave Moses the Book, and the Discernment so that you may be guided!
Testament ? Furqan xxx differentiation?
2:54 Moses told his people, "You wronged yourselves by taking the golden calf as a god, so atone to your initiator—Kill those who did wrong from among yourselves!—That's better for you in the eyes of your Initiator; He will accept your atonement—He's the Atoner, the Forgiver
Word change/Lexicon change; Arabic cognate of Hebrew word bara2 like first verse of the Torah; In the beginning, God created
This is probably where killing the apostate came in into the subconscious then conscious Hadiths in Islam
atoner? Xxx
2:55 You said, "We're not going to believe you Moses until at see Allah! The lightning strike killed you as you looked!
sa3qa meaning
2:56 We brought you back to life so that you may be thankful
2:57 We shaded you with clouds, and descended the Manna and Salwa proclaiming, "Eat from the good things we provide you"—They didn't wrong us; They wronged themselves
manna n salwa xxx
Tayibat; word change to Arab cognate of Hebrew
2:58 We ordered you to enter a certain city and eat from it as you wish—Declaring that you should enter its gates humbly and proclaim your mistakes and we'll forgive you—2:59 but the wrongdoers changed the orders given to them, so we cursed them with a xxx from the sky as a punishment
2:60 When Moses was looking for water for his people, We told him to strike the rocks with your staff; Twelve wells were discovered; Each tribe got its own watering hole—Eat and drink from the provisions of Allah; Do not roam the earth to pollute it!
2:61 When you got bored, you complained to Moses, "We can't handle eating just one type of food! Tell your god to bring out these vegetables for us from the Earth—Beans, Cucumbers, Garlic, Lentils, Onionsxxx katha2ha — Moses exclaimed, "So you want to trade the good for the bad? Ok! Go to any city—You'll find what you ask for there—As time went on, their morale went down hill, and they incurred the wrath of Allah—because they used to disbelieve Allah's commandments, and kill His prophets unjustly; They were punished for their transgression and wrongdoing!
2:62 Those who believe, the converts to Judaism, the Messianic Jews, and the baptized (Mandaenism)—ANYONE who believes in Allah, Judgment Day, and does good deeds—will be rewarded by their Lord; They have nothing to fear or grieve
-mandaens xxx
-Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Ignorance
2:63 We took their oath; We levitated the Mount above you and proclaimed, "Take what were have given you seriously and remember it so that you can be reverent!
-Logical fallacy:
2:64 But you deserted after that; if it wasn't due to Allah's favor and mercy upon you, you would've been among the Losers! 2:65 You all know very well how we punished those who broke the Sabbath; We told evolved them into despicable apes!
-khas2een kiradatin xxx
2:66 We made it an example for you and the future generations—an admonition for the reverent
Xxx admonition?
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force
2:67 Moses announced, "Allah commands you to sacrifice a Heifer"— They scoffed, "Are you mocking us?!"; Moses solemnly swore, "I swear to Allah; I'm not making it up"
subconsciously to atone for their worship of the Golden Calf
2:68 They said, "Ok, Tell your god to tell us which one"—Moses responded, "He said, 'pick one that's neither old or young; One in between' so do as you're told!"
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to authority
The Red Heifer
2:69 They said, "Tell your god to tell us which color is this Heifer!"—Moses said, "He said, ' It's a solid auburn Heifer—grabbing people's attention'"
2:70 They exclaimed, "We still need more detail; Tell your god to give us more detail about this Heifer—since all of them look alike to us—so that Allah-willing, we choose the right one!"
2:71 Moses said, "Look, He says, 'It's a Wild Heifer; It's nota beast of burden; It hasn't worked the land; It's perfect—It doesn't have any spots'" They exclaimed, "Wow! Now we know which one!"—They finally sacrificed it, hesitantly!
2:72 When you murdered someone and hide the body, Allah brought out what you were hiding; 2:73 We commanded you to, "Strike him with a piece of it (the heifer)"; This is how Allah brings the dead back to life—showing you his miracles so that you may understand!
-Logical Fallacy xxx
Is Allah describing CPR? Hit him? Lol
The Parable of the Rock-hard Heart
2:74 Then your hearts (minds) became hard (stubborn) like a rock or even harder! I'll have you know, that there are rocks that get broken down by rivers; There are rocks that crack and spring-water comes out of them; Then there are rocks that disintegrate from the fear of Allah! God is Omniscient!
Allah thinks heart is center of thought lol
Allah is a Faggot, theatrical, drama-queen
emanates xxx
What's being omniscient have to do with rocks?
The bad Jew
2:75 Do you Muslims wish that the Jews believe with you and convert when a group of them used to listen to Allah's words, understand it, and then knowingly change it?!—2:76 When these Jews see the Muslims, they proclaim their allegiance, but as soon as they're alone by themselves they argue that, "Shall we tell the Muslims the things that Allah has revealed to us that's supportive of them so that they can argue against us with them?!
2:77 Do they not know that Allah knows what they secretly hide and what they publicly proclaim?!
2:78 Among the Jews are illiterates—they only know the book by hearsay; In fact, they only assume what's in it!
2:79 Those who fabricate scripture, and then ascribe it to Allah for their own benefit are in big trouble!
2:80 The Jews said, "The Hellfire will only touch us for few days!"—Tell them, "Did Allah promise you that, or are you ascribing things to Allah's name?!"
The hellfire only came around after the Babylonian captivity; The Quran talks about the Jews like their history didn't span thousands of years!
The Jews are more right on that one; The punishment is more equitable if it was only burning for a few days but Allah is a sadistic; The crime doesn't equal the punishment of forever burning in a hellfire!
2:81 Few days?! No way; Whoever sins—and accumulates Sins—will burn in the hellfire, Forever!
logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force
Allah is a sadistic: He promises to punish people eternally of they do wrong for a limited amount of time; The punishment doesn't fit the crime; Why burn people—Do you think Allah eats human flesh?! Maybe Allah loves human BBQ! LOL!
2:82 Those who believe and do good deeds will inherit Heaven—Forever!
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force/Emotion
2:83 We took the Oath from the Children of Israel: Worship only Allah; Honor your parents; Regard the Relative, the Orphan, and the Poor! Do good to people; Establish the Amidah; Give the Tzadeka; xxx —Most of you refused and left!
2:84 We took your oath: Don't shed your own blood; Don't evict your own people from their homes—You solemnly agreed!
2:85 Then here you are killing each other, and evicting a group of you from their own homes—ganging up on them with wrongfully and violently—and if they come to you as prisoners-of-war, you sell them off—when it was illegal for you to evict them in the first place! Do you (Children of Israel/Jews?) Cherry-pick what you want to believe and disbelieve in the Book?—The punishment for those who do this among you (Muslims) is condemnation in this life, and in the worst punishment in the Afterlife; Allah is never unaware of what you do!
-Logical Fallacy: Red Heading —The Quran is ALL OVER THE PLACE with the timeline of the Children-of-Israel/Jews—going back and forth with the timeline to confuse.
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force
Allah is always watching you; He knows where you have been sleeping/if you have been God or bad; like Santa lmaooo
2:86 These are the people that traded this life in exchange for the afterlife; Therefore, their punishment will not be reduced —nor will they be helped!
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force
2:87 We have given Moses the Book, and thrown-in plenty of messengers after him; We have given Jesus-son-of-Mary The Proofs, and aided him with The Holy Spirit; Isn't it the case that every time a messenger has come to you—that you do not like—you arrogant; Some of them you disbelieved in, and some of them you killed!
The Quran/Allah/Muhammed LOVES to go back and forth between narratives to confuse the living hell out of you; Logical Fallacy: Red Herring
Who's "We" The pantheon of Allah and His gods?
The Unitarian Christian that wrote this Ibn Waraqa xxx HAD to say Jesus-son-of-Mary LOL
2:88 They (Israelites/Jews) said, our hearts (minds) are made-up! But in actuality, Allah is the one who closed them up with a curse due to their consistent disbelieve—rarely will they believe
Allah thinks heart of the seat of thought—such a god he is!
2:89 When a book (the Quran) came to them confirming what they already have—and before it they were anticipating it and even proclaiming it to those who disbelieve—but when it came, they disbelieved in it! Allah's Curse is upon the Disbelievers!!!
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force
This negate the historical narrative that the Quran was released over a 20+ year period via Muhammad, and not revealed as a whole book as this verse; Quran Lies on itself!
2:90 It's sad that they disbelieved in it (the Quran) out of jealousy! The Jews incurred wrath upon wrath; Awaiting the disbelieving Jews is a humiliating punishment!
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Force
2:91 If the Jews are asked to believe in this Quran, they'll reply with, "We only believe in what was released to us!"; I.e They reject anything that comes after that—even when it confirms what they have!Demand from them, "Then why did you kill Allah's previous prophets if you were such true believers in him?!"
Logical Fallacy: Appeal to Emotion —Just because the Quran confirms what the Jews got, doesn't mean they have to believe in you, Allah/Muhammed!
Logical Fallacy: Tu Quoque—You too!
Allah is a caty little faggot—Just like Yahuwah and Jesus; Drama & Theatrics galore!
2:92 Moses came to you (Jews/Israelites) with proofs, bit you still took the Golden Calf as a god, wrongfully!
Logical Fallacy: Tu Quoque
2:93 Remember (Israelites/Jews) we took your oath, and were suspended the Mount above you—Proclaiming, "
Quran loves to repeat
Disbelieve > reject
اهم علم كل ملحد لازم يتعلمو؛ المنطق والغلطلت المنطقيه—القرآن والكتاب المقدس مليانين مغلطات وبيبدءو كمان بيها!!!!!
القرآن يبدء بمغلطه منطقيه؛ بسم الله اي—بأسم اله—ده غلط نداء الي السلطه؛ تجبرك ان توئمن به لان ده كتاب من شخص/كائن كبير داعي انو اله—نفس الغلط يقع في ترجمه الكتاب المقدس الي النجليزي باسم ملك وسلطه ملك جيمس؛
التوراه كمان بتبدء بمغلطه منطقيه؛ في البدايه خلق اللهم السموات والارض؛ دي غلطه احتكام الي الجهل؛ انت متعرفش مين خلق السماء/الارض واول جواب جي من شعب برونزي يقلك اللهم بتعنا خلهم ونتا امنت باول جواب وخلصت الموضوع؛ ده علط منطقي!!!
الاديان الابراهميه كلها مغلطات لازم نفضحهم كلهم!!!! الله اصغر؛ الله اصغر، لا اله يوجد فلكون! الله اصغر صغيرا! والحمد للطبيعه كثيرا، وسبحان التطوير بكرا واصيلاً! لا اله يوجد فلكون! ههههه
May it never succeed! You condone drug addicts to do drugs; As a Homeless, Atheist, philosopher who teaches LOGIC, the only thing you're doing is condoning drug usage and condoning drug cartels to flourish; YOU PLAY ARMCHAIR ANTHROPOLOGISTS BUT I'VE BEEN HOMELESS HERE FOR 2 years in exile from my sharia-law-led country and you are descimating the homeless population as the final solution to the homeless question; Death by overdosing as the FINAL SOLUTION🖕
Sunni-Side-up or Shia?
Why Muslims loose?
The Abrahamic Virus
Monotheism—A threat to Democracy!
Mecca vs. Medina: When peaceful proselytizing doesn't work, use the sword, Muhammed!
The Islamic Trinity; Allah, Muhammed, & Satan.
Muslims: From Kittens to Sharia Lions— Muslims first act like helpless kittens when they're a minority, but—when they're established and grow in number— then they become intolerant killer-lions that want to establish Sharia Law!
Tasghir: Allahu-Asghar! (Allah is Small!)
Wikipedia make present great
I'm am atheist before I'm a homosexual; There are a lot of religion flags who take it up the ash at night and then repent to their gods in the morning;
Top ten Egyptian atheists like Hesham Al Masry, Sherif Gaber, Ahmed Harakan,
Logical Fallacies in Bible/Torah
Islamic Mythology🐋
Islamic Mythology:
Satan reproduces in two ways: He lays eggs or because he's a hermaphrodite—He has a penis and a vagina on each side of his thighs—He just fucks himself to reproduce 😳
If you have sex with your Spouse without proclaiming the name of Allah, Satan will join you in a Ménage á Trois Threesome 🤣
If you eat with your left hand, Satan eats with you—what food is he eating? Because I don't see my food being eaten!
Angel of Thunder hits clouds with whip to make rain come down!
Allah holds up the sky so it doesn't fall on the Earth; Allah is the Greek god Atlas!
The Islamic Blindly belief Package: Belief in Allah, Muhammed, Satan, Angels, and Magic!
Islamic Sectarianism🇮🇷🇸🇦
If their god was the true deity in this world, he'd explain all their disputes
Christian Sectarianism✝️☦️
Logical Fallacies in the Bible📖
The Bible begins with a Logical Fallacy—that of Appeal to Ignorance; In the beginning Ellohim created the Heavens and the Earth—I.e. For hundreds of thousands of years, God was asleep—Until his lover Abraham woke him up—and suddenly a bronze-age group (Israelites) touted THEIR god created the world and now everyone just goes along with it 🙄
Evolution, Rénaissance, & Coincidence 🧬🧠💭
Dreams: A simulation
Evolution of Religion🛐
Religion developed from Animism/Magic—The quest for controlling the uncontrolled
Religion went from un organized magicians/Shamans to specialized gods to One big boss god with minor gods, to One god and minor Angels, and a bigger being that this main god can blame for the evil/chaos in this world.
Is Satan god of Evil😈, or is God evil?😇
Evolutionary Psychology🦍🧠
Selected readings 📚
The God Delusion
The Third Chimpanzee
Principia Mathematica
لماذا انا ملحد
الكون يحاكم الإله
10 Atheist Commandments🧑⚖️
Thou shall have no god
Thou shall not accept information blindly
Thou shall Live, Learn, and Optimize
Thou shall use logic and reason—to avoid logical fallacies
Thou shall seek Science, Research, Enlightenment, Self-actualization, & Rénaissance
Thou shall Enlighten people with Science, Logic, and Truth
Thou shall be Productive, Efficient, Effective, and Intentional
Thou shall Organize, Specialize, and Support One Another like a Bee Colony
Thou shall call and spread Atheism, Science, and Enlightenment
Thou shall create an Atheist country where Logic reigns, and religious delusions die!
Why Left-Wing Politics is Destructive
Drugs, Chaos, Pseudo-intellectualism, Unvetted Immigration, Cultural Degradation,
Communism is for post-industrial Germany, but it goes Human instincts, and can prevent innovation.
Predatory-Capitalism leads to monopolies that prevent innovation and usurp power.
دوله ملحده 🧬
- لازم ننشئ دوله ملحده—مش بس علمانيه—لإن خرافات الدين بيوسخ كل العقول والمنطق
لماذا نحن ملحدون—من الإسلام؟🕋
الاسلام انتشر بلسيف لانه غير منطقي؛ الحقيقه لا تحتاج عنف او تجبر عشان تتامن بها—السماء زرقاء ولا نحتاج ان نجبر الناس انها زرقاء؛ ولاكن محتاج اجبار الناس لو قلنا انها صفراء
فلسفة 💭
احنا لا نعيش الحياه بل الحياه تعيشنا—احنا مجرد عربيه للچيتات والاپي-چينات والثقافه من جيل الي جيل للتطوير الجماعي
climate change is a straight people's problem—not a gay problem.
فلسفة وافكار ملحد مثلي اسكندراني؛ رعمسيس صوتِپإنرع
فلسفة الحياه
فلسفة العلم والتطور والتنوير
فلسفة الموت
فلسفة الوجود
فلسفة التكاثر؛ الفلوس، البنين
فلسفة الخوف
فلسفة الدين
فلسفة التفاهه
فلسفة الصدفه والعشوائيه
فلسفة الأخطيار والنصيب
فلسفة الجنس والميول
مش كل واحد لازم ينجب اولاد لان لو كلنا نجبنا ممكن عدد التكاثر يقدي علطبيعه الي حولينا ويقع كرثه ان مفيش resources to sustain us؛ ففي مع التطوير الميول الجنسيه تفرقت وطلعت ميول مثل المثليه الجنسيه؛ مش كل واحد لازم ينجب في الاسره؛ احسن لو في واحد ايدو فضيه عشان تربيه العيال؛ وكمان بلزبه للرجاله كمان، لو كل اخ كان مغيري في القبيله البداءيه ممن ده يعمل مشاكل علي حصول علي زوج لكلهم؛ فما يبل الانجاب الجسدي هو الانجاب الزهني او العقلي او الثقافي او الرياضي او الاجتماعي الخ. لازم ننجب اكتر من type لو اننا عايزين جينتنا تستمر فالطبيعه؛ احنا مجرد عربيه للجينات الي جوانا من جيل الي جيل؛ بس العاءله فيها نفس الجينات فمش يلزم ان كل اخوات ينجبو لانهم كلهم شيلين نسبه كبيره من نفس الجينات؛ فالتطور جعل اختلفات في الميول الجنسيه فلعاءله عشان يميز انجاب جسدي وزهني وعقلي وثقافي الخ—زي ما النساء يبطلو عن الانجاب بعد السن المبكر، ليه؟ عشان بعد فتره الانجاب الثقافي بيبقي اهم من الانجاب الجسدي؛ العلم عن الحياه بيبقي اهم من انجاب الحياه—مثلاً تعليم ما الانبات المسممه والانبات الي نقضر نكلها للجيل التاني. فالانجاب الثقافي مهم وسعات اهم من الانجاب زاتنفسو
فلسفة التعايش، الخيانه، ول game
فلسفة المنطق
فلسفة الجنون والاحساس
فلسفة ال intuition
فلسفة ال simulation والأحلام
فلسفة السحر
فلسفة فقده الامل
فلسفة تأثر الجغرافي والطقس
اعوز بلطبيعه من اله العرب المجنون، الله الدكتاتور السفاح المشؤم
اكتر الناس عندها اله ومصدقا ان الها هو الحق ويرزقهم وينصرهم ضد اعداءهم ويستجيب لدعاءهم عشان يحل مشكلتهم ويعملهم سحر اي اعمال ضد الطبيعه عشان ينجيهم من كل كرب ويبقي جواب للسؤال لماذا نحن موجودين علأرض ويا يا يا؛ ففكره الأله دي فكره بدائيه—ليه؟ الإلهات دي اختراع بشريه عشان يخترعو حلول ويجوبو علي اسئله فاقده الجواب وعشان يبقي عندهم صديق وهمي حميم زي ما العيال بتعمل اصدقاء وهميه عشان يسلو نفسهم وميبقوش لوحدهم—ففي ناس خلت اصدقئها الوهميه معاها الي البكر وعملته اله يقدر يعمل افعال واعمال—وسعات بيبقي نوع من الشزوفرينيا اصوات تقلك اعمل وقل كانها كاءنات عليا وهو اصلاً مخك يكلمك؛ وجود الأمراض النفسيه يدل علي الأنسان لسا مطتور بدري وزيو زي الشمبانزي لما يتجن لأنو اصل ألإنسان حيوان ومازال هو حيوان بيتطور واحياناً بيطلع فيه التطورات البداءيه بنسموها امراض نفسيه؛ مثلاً
الرهب الاجتماعي موجود لأن الخوف الي بيطلع لما تشوف ناس كتيره مش من قبيلتك بيرسل لك رساله ان امشي من هنا، ليه؟ عشان تعيش—لإن ممكن الاف السنين قبل اجدادك واحد كان ماشي بيصطاد وجه عدي علي قوم ااني؟ الخوف ده دخل مع التطور لأن الي بيخاف مشي وجره عشان يعيش لأن الناس الكتيره المجهوله دي ممكن تئزيه واقعياً فده ممكن نقول ال hypothesis لماذا يوجد رهب اجتماعي من حيث استخدام ال-evolutionary psychology
الدين بيستخدم الخوف عشان الخوف احساس دخل في تطوير ألإنسان عشان البقاء—لو انتا مخفتش من الاسد وجيت جمبو ممكن هيكلك؛ اذاً الخوف ليه وضع انتاجي عشان البقاء؛ الدين بقي بيستخدم الأحساس المتطور ده عشان البقاء ويسيطر عليك؛ الدين بيجبرك ان تؤمن الا بقي الاله هيعزبك بايدي الناس في الدنيا—زي الشريعه الاسلاميه قطع اليد والرجل والجلد ويا يا—او يعزبك في الاخره ويشويك للأبد (ودي فعل اجرامي لأن العزاب مش مقابل للجريمه الزي هو/هي اصلاً يزعم ان خلقها؛ اذاً الإله مجرم سادي صنع بشر بدائي يستخدمون الخوف للسيطره علي الناس)
التطوير، النهضه، والصدائف العشوائيه 🦍🧠🧬
التطور الديني 🛐
الإلحاد هو اخر مرحله تطوير الدين؛ لإن الإلحاد يستخدم العلم الفعلي—نقول السحر العلمي—والدين يستخدم الدعاء—السحر الإلهي—لتغير احوالك وموقفك والطقس وكل حاجه انت مش عارف تعملها او تغيرها او مشفهما تدعي الي اله؛ الإلحاد بقي بيعمل كل ده بلعلم مش بلدعاء؛ فالإلحاد اخر تطور للدين زي الاشتراكيه الي الوحدانيه—ودلوقت الي الإلحاد
السحر تطور الي دين—الدين هو سحر منظم—والدين سيتطور الي علم وإلحاد
الوحدانيه هي جماعيه اتحولت الي دكتاتوريه—الأله اتحولت الي ايه؟ الي ملائكه!
هل الشيطان اله الشر😈، ام الله هو اله الشرير؟ 😇
علي فكره الله والشيطان نفس الكائن؛ لو الله عالم الغيب يبقي كان عارف ايه الي هيهببو الشيطان وبرضو راح سابو—يبقي الله راضي ان يكون في الشر فلدنيا؛ يبقي الله شرير؛ يبقي الشيطان هو الله —اصلك لو الله خير وشاف شر وسابو معإنو يقدر ان يوقفو، يبقي الله شرير او سادي.
التطور في الاديان من الاشتراكيه الجمعيه الي الوحدانيه الدكتاتوريه جعلت الاله اله واحد بشرط؛ الاله بدل مكانو اله واحد، نزلو بقو ملايكه!
وجود الشيطان—الي الله سيبو يعمل الي هو عايزو—يدل ان الاسلام دين مش موحد بل اشتراكي؛ الله ومحمد والشيطان هما الثالوث الإسلامي؛ لو الله علي كل شيئ قدير وسايب الدنيا كده، يبقي هو والشيطان ومحمد بيطبلو لنفسهم
الثالوث الإسلامي؛ الله-محمد-الشيطان؛ هما نفس الكائن بيطبلو لنفسهم وبيلومو بعض
علم النفس التطوري🦍🧠
المغالطات المنطقية في القرآن 🤡📖
غلطات علمية في القرآن🔬
الله يمسك السماء ان تقع علي الأرض؛ فينو ده؟ الله اله الاغريقي اتلاس هههه
غلطات لغوية في القرآن🗣️
ان الله لا يهدي الكافرين؛ دي غلطه وكديه لإن الله فعلاً هدي الكافرين؛ اومال الله هيهدي مين؟
المسلمين بيؤمنو ان التوراة محرفه بس في القرآن بيقول لك كيف يحكمونك وعندهم التوراه فيها حكم الله؛ اذاً التوراه مش محرفه
الشهاده الإسلاميه شهاده زور؛ انت ولا شهدت محمد ولا الله؛ انتا بتكدب علي نفسك
اذا كان الله معرفش يحفظ الانجيل ولا التوراه هيحفظ القران ازاي؟ ده اهبل
🏛️غلطات تاريخية في القرآن
يا اوخت هارون
ميثولوجية الإسلام 🐋
ميثولوجية الاسلام:
لو الشيطان بياكل معاك لو اكلت بيدك الشمال...هياكل ايه؟ انا مش شايف اكلي بينقص يعني! 🤣 فين الشيطان ده؟
في الميثولوجية الإسلاميه، الشيطان بيمارس سكس معاك وزوجتك لو مقلتوش بسم الله؛ يعني بتعملو ثري-سوم🤣 محمد مسيطر عليكو بلشيطان ده—مخليكو فحاله رعب—من اكل بايد الشمال او عدي ونتم مصلين لو ملمستوش رجلين بعض الخ.
شهاده الست فلإسلام نصف راجل؛ اوعو تقولو ان الشريعه الإسلاميه صالحه لكل زمان—دي شريعه قوم بدائي بدوي
الله يمسك السماء ان تقع علي الارض؛ فينو ده؟ الله زي اله الاغريقي اطلس هههه
عقيده الإسلام العمياء—الذين يؤمنون بالغيب—بلله، محمد، الشيطان، الملايكه، السحر، الخ!
الطائفيه الإسلاميه؛ انهو الإسلام الحقيقي؟ 🇮🇷🇸🇦
كل حزب اسلامي محتكر الله؛ الشيعي والسني والوهابي والاخواني والسلفي والاشعري والصوفي الخ؛ انهو حزب هو حزب الحق؟ الإسلام مش دين واحد لإن كل حزب من دولا بيكفرو بعض
الطائفيه المسيحيه؛ انهو المسيحيه الحقيقيه؟ ☦️✝️
لو اله يسوع موجود مش يجي يبين للناس ما هي المسيحيه الحقيقيه؟
المغالطات المنطقيه في الكتاب المقدس✝️✡️
الكتاب المقدس يبدء بمغلطه منطقيه لما يقول في البدايه خلق اللهم السماوات والإرض؛ ودي احتكام للجهل لإن بعد مئات الاف السنين الله كان نايم —حتي ايقزه عشيقه ابراهيم—ويجي قبيله برونزيه اي العبرانيين ويقولو ان الهم خلق السماوات والأرض وكل يمشي مع الحدوته دي
شريعه المصريه القديمه؛ شريعة ماعت الة العدل 𓆄 𓁦
القران الإلحادي؛ فأتوا بسورة من مثله
القران الالحادي
سوره الجهاد الالحادي:
يايها الذين الحدو جاهدو في سبيل الإلحاد حق جهاده—ونشرو التنوير والمنطق! فان لم تفعلو فسيزيد داعش وسوف يذبحونكم ككربان الي الههم السادي البدوي المجنون—وسوف تعلمون! تصغير: الله اصغر!
تصغير: الله اصغر!!!
القران الالحادي ؛ سوره من مثله
-سوره بني فرعون
يا بني فرعون اذكروا نعمتنا التي أنعمنا عليكم ونحن فضلناكم على العالمين؛ از جعلناكم ام الحضاره تزرعون وتنحتون وتعملون الفنون والرسوم وتبنون من الاهرامات الي المعابد ما لم انس من قبل يقضرون؛ افبأله العرب الهكسوس الدكتاتور تريدون، وبألهتكم الديموكراتيه ترمون؟ بئسما ما تشترون! اتعبدون ما لم ترون؟ ءإله لا يوجد تشاءون؟ أتفلقسون الي الكعبه وبوس الحجر الأسود تحبون؟ بئسما ما تعبدون!
يا بني فرعون اذكروا نعمتنا التي أنعمنا عليكم ونحن فضلناكم على العالمين! از رعناكم الاف السنين وصضدنا عنكم اعداءكم من كل الجهات واتيناكم كيمي اللارض المقدسه وجعلنا النهر يجري من تحهتا يرعاكم ويرعي انعامكم الاف السنين—كلو وشربو وزرعو من ارض الهتكم الطيبه وكونو كمصباح للحضاره للعالمين! ثم انتم من بعد زلك لجاحدون! واذ اخذنا ميثاقم ان اقيمو شريعت معات وقاتلو الازفات وتطورو انفسكم من البربريه الهمجيه الحيوانيه—ثم اتخذتم شريعه اله العرب والعبرانيين الهكسوس ورميتم شريعه معات والهتكم وراء ظهروكم وانتم لا تعقلون!افبلمنطق تكفرون وبشزوفرينيه اليهود والعرب تؤمنون؟ ساء ما تفكرون!
بئسما اشترت به ايديكم ان ترمون الهتكم وشريعتكم لرجل مجنون! محمد ويسوع وموسي البدويون! اتعبدون الهت الهكسوس الزي لا يقدرون ان يبنون؟ اتفلقسون لله ويسوع ويهوه الرب المجنون!—الزي يوعدوكم بعزاب مجرم دائم سادي لا يقدم الجريمه ليجبروكم ان تؤمنون؟ افلا تعقلون! لا تخافونهم ولا تخافو شزوفرينيه المجنون! موسي وعيسي ومحمد الشزوفرنيون! حرضو عليكم دينهم الديكتاتوري بلسيف والعنف وجبر الأمبراطوريه الرومانيه ثم انتم من بعدها مسلمون عربيون؟ او شعب الرب مسيحيون مازوخيون—لا تقدرون علي دفاع ولا انتم تنتصرون؟ افبلأحتلال تؤمنون وبالقوميه الكيميه ترمون؟ كنتم بني فرعون اي بني المك، والان انتم عبيد—مستعربون!—جزاء ما اشترتون!
بل ارجعو الي امون؛ ارجعو الي اتون! افبلوحدانيه الدكتاتوريه الألهيه تريدون؟ عندنا اتون يا جاهلون! اطردو الهكسوس—العرب المسلمون—مثل اسبانيا فعلت يا غافلون!
واز اتيناكم الفرقان والادله ورفعنا فوقكم الاهرامات والمعابد—خزو ما اتيناكم بقو ولا تتمنو بربريه المجرمون! اثم انتم هاؤلاء من بعد زلك لأرهابيون دواعش بربريون! قطاعين طرق مجرمون! الله اكبر—بل الله اصغر—تصرخون؟ اروني ماذا بني الله ايها المسلمون! انظرو ماذا قدمت ايديكم من الخراب متي اتبعتم شزوفرينيه الهكسوس—العرب والعبرانيين—ساء ما حكمتمون!
كنتم احسن ناس تطورت الطبيعه—تئمرون بالحضارة والقوانين، وتراعون الأرض—وتثقفون انفسكم والأخرين—وتأكلو وتإكلون كل جاءع ومحروم؛ ومن النهر ومن كل عين ماء تفجرون؛ ثم انتم الأن هاؤلاء تفجرون انفسكم لأله الهكسوس العرب بعمليات انتحاريه ساء ما تقدمون! اعوز بامون!
فسئلو انفسكم ان كنتم صادقون؛ ماذا من الخير قدم لكم الهت الأخرون؟—الهت الهكسوس العرب والعبرانيون! يغرونكم بجنات وعيون؟ ولحم طير وحور العيون؟ لانهم من الصحراء بدويون—لا عندهم طير ولا شجر ولا ماء يشربون؛ ثقافتهم ثقافه النقص البربريون! يوعدوكم بجنات بعد الموت لانهم لا عندهم شئ كذابون! نحن already عندنا جنات وعيون، ونهر داءم وثمرات مما نشتهون! لا يلزم ان نصبر حتي الموت لندخل في جنات وعيون الهت الاخرون—هكسوس العرب والعبرانيون; افلا تعقلون! فرجعو الي شريعه معات يا جاحدون! الهت العدل يا مجرمون! الله ويهوه ويسوع السادون! بل هم اختراع بشر بربريون! كتبهم مالئه بلمغلطات المنطقيه لانهم بدو لا يفقهون! ارجعو الي لغتكم وشريعتكم وثقافتكم الكيميه وارمو البربريه العربيه العبرانيه الهكسوسيه يا بني فرعون!!! فأن لم تفعلون فسوف يبدلكم الطبيعه ببشر اخرون—بشر تطورو انفسهم وبلنووي سيضربون؛ ثم انتم بعد زلك مبادون!
صدق العلم والطبيعه والتطور والتنويريون!
الله اصغر!!!!!
فرعون جيه من كلمه القبتيه ڤوورو يعني الملك؛ بني فرعون يعني بني الملك (شينو ڤوورو)
معات هي الهت العدل
ازفات يعني الفساد او الزفت بلمصري وهو ضد المعات او العدل والنظام
سوره مونا ليزا:
يا ايها الناس ان كنتم في ريب ان لوحه المونا ليزا من عند الاله، فأتو بلوحه من مثليها او عشره! ودعو شهداءكم من دون الاله ان كنتم صادقين! فأن لم تفعلو—ولن تفعلو—فعلمو ان القران ضحك عليكم بمغلطه منطقيه؛ بل هو من عند بشر—محمد ال-scammer
سوره الوسكي:
انا أعطيناك الوسكي
فأشرب بأسم زبك وأسقى
صافيا لا تخلطه بالبيبسي•
سوره الجنس:
تبارك الز
قران ملحد مصري؛
سوره الهكسوس العرب؛
سننشئ ثوره في هذه العصر! ونترضكم يا هكسوس العرب بره مصر! من مطرح مجبكم عمر بن العرص هنرجعكم ونحرر مصر! ونسقط جمهوريه مصر العربيه الهكسوسيه الاسلاميه والازهر ونعملها دوله علمانيه!
من شاء منكم الشريعه الاسلاميه يغور الي افغانستان—تريدونها مصرستان وهي اصلاً كيميه! انكم تسمون احتلالكم افتتاح!
كلا! فاذا ضربناكم بلنووي ضخا ضخا! وياتيكم عزاب العلم طخا طخا!
ستقولون يومئز ياويلتنا ظلنا في صحراء جزيره العربيه ولا احتلينا مصر ولا اسبنيا!
سوره ثوره التنوير؛
اذا جاء ثوره التنوير والفتح
ورايت الناس يخرجون من شزوفرينيت الاديان افواجا
فسبح باسم الطبيعه وستغفرلها
انها كانت تطتور ببطئا
سوره الخوف
ان الدينيون خائفون من الملحدون—
خائفون ان يتهد دينهم وعقيدتهم الخرافيه فوق دماغهم بلعلم والثقافه؛ دينهم مبني علي خوف وعبوديه وطاعه بغير سؤال وأكراه!
ان الدين مبني علي تخويف الناس
ان الالحاد مبني علي تنوير الناس
لا تخافو
سوره محمد x
تب يد محمد وتب
ما اغني عنه من الموت قرانه وما كتب
علي يد ورقا المسيحي وما خطب
يتلهوس في الكهف من الشيزوفرينيا
وما اضراك ما هي؟
سمع ورءيا ما لا يوجد
تؤمرك لتفعل ولتقل ولتطيع
تاتي من كتر القعده في الكهف زي المسيحين الزاهدين من منع تعامل مع الناس
وتاتي من الجينات الابراهيميه
وتاتي من المخضرات
مثل موسي من قبل الذي تحشش من الشجره المولعه
يتلهوس بان اله يهوه يكلمه
وقد كان محمد علي غمره الانتحار في صحيح بخاري
اهاذا هو نبيكم—رجلً مجنون؟
علي غمره الانتحار وتقولون لنا الملحدون ان انتحرو؟ بل انتم اسياد العمليات الانتحاريه يا مسلمون! اسلمتم لدين همجي ولرب دكتاتور ونبي مجنون!
محمد يغزو الناس باسم اله
ويقسم خمس الزي سرقه لنفسه ويقول هذا لله؛ فكيف يوصل للأله؟ كلا! بل يوصل لجيوب محمد وصعاليكه العرب! قطاعين طرق! غوازين الناس، سراقين المال!
محمد رسول شزوفرنيت العرب!
سوره الله x
ان الله اله البدو العرب
دكتاتور فاسد بصفات مزدوجه؛ هو الجبار والرحيم علي حسب مزاجه
هو والشيطان كائن واحد؛
خلقه ليكون عنده حد يلوم به شر افعاله؛
يتنافق ويقول هو علي كل شئ قدير وهو العليم وبعدين يلوم الناس والشيطان—كلا! اذا هو علي كل شئ قدير وعالم كل شئ، اذاً لماذا لا يوقف اعمال الشر؟ لأنه شرير زات نفسه! من ماسك ايدك يالله؟ بل الله اله كاذب ومنافق! لا يستحق الحمد والشكر ولا العبوديه؛ لا تضيع وقتك علي اله كاذب!
سايب الدنيا تروح فستين دهيا ويلوم الاخرين ولا نفسه! مثل الله الأب الغائب!
الله اصغر! الله اصغر! الله اصغر!
لا اله يوجد هون!
سوره القران
والقران زو المغالطات المطقيه
يبدء باسم الله ليجبرك ان تؤمن به
هل كل ما يدعو بكائن فضائي او شخص كبير او اله هو الحق؟
ان الله يفعل ما يشاء في القران
اي لا يلزمه ان يعمل الصح او الخير—بل هو يفعل ما يريد–الله دكتاتور نرجسي سادي شرير
سيكوپاتي يفعل ما يشاء
واذا لم تفعل مذا يقول هذا الأله
يخوفك بنار حاميه
وبعزاب ابدي لا فيه ناهيه!
هيشويك مثل السمكه المشويه
ويحمرك مثل الحم المحمر
ويأكلك من شجره الزقوم ويشربك كاس من شي مولع
كلا كل هذا خرافات
زخرفات وشزوفرنيات
حررو نفسكم من المزعبلات والكبوسات!
القران كله همجيات واجبار وكلمات لا لها معني مع ان هو كتاب يتدعي انهو مبين!
سوره الاحرار
قد افلح الاحرار
الزين هم عن الأديان ابرار
لا يركعو او يسجدو لاله لا يوجد في اي دار
مثل مقال الاسكندر؛ لا يهزم العبد الأحرار
سوره الاحتلال الاسلامي
الأسلام احتل اراض الناس وسماها افتتاح
الأسلام سرق من الناس وسماه انغام
الأسلام استعبد الناس وسماه اسري
الأسلام اجبر الناس علي دفع الجزيه زي المافيا وسموه ضرائب—ادفع الجزيه عشان يكفي الأسلام عنك شر نفسه!
الأسلام احتلال!
سوره الڤيروز الابراهيمي
انتشر ڤيروز الابراهيمي في الارض ووصل الي القمر
يغشي عقول الناس بلدكتاتوريه الفكريه
ويستعبدهم زهنياً وثقافياً وجسدياً وجنسياً
مضاده الفكر الحر والتنوير والالحاد
سوره المسلمون
قد خاب المسلمون
الذين هم بربهم مؤمنون
في شزوفرينيت محمد يتغامرون
عايشين في عصر الحجر يتغامزون
يضيعون وقتهم متفلقسين يسجدون لأله لا موجود
فاذا جاء نصر العلم والحق
وضربتكم بطش قنبله ننوي وحدهً فقط
تسقط الله من عرشه وتقع الثمانيه ملوك الزين يحملوه لأنه سمين
يومئذ سيموت الله وتصطح الكعبه
وتتحولون الي رمال صحراء جزيره العربيه
لا حول ولا قوه لألهكم
سوره شر البريه؛
انما المسلمون هم شر البريه
يدعون الملحدون للأنتحار وهم اسياد الأعمال النتحاريه!
انهم عبيد الله ولاولياءهم—
يحبون الدكتاتوريه
انما الزين يحبون ان تشير الشر في الملحدين لهم قنبله زريه
قنبله تمزقهم كل ممزق—زوقو عزاب العلم ايها شر البريه
سوره الملحدون
قد افلح الملحدون
الذين هم بلأله هم كافرون
والذين هم لا يضيعون وقتهم عاكفون
ولا يعبدون اله نرجسي دكتاتور سادي مجنون
اتعبدون ما لا تعلمون ولا ترون؟
ءأله نرجسي سادي تريدون؟
بلدكتاتوريه تفرحون؟
كلا بل الملحدود لا يخافون ولا يحزنون
بأن هذه الارض لا يملكون
هذه ال simulation
يجتهدون في شغلهم ومايشاءون
حسبنا الطبيعه والتطوير
حسبنا العلم والتفكير
حسبنا الفلسفه والمنطق
حسبنا دارون وهشام المصري
حسبنا رسل برتنارد و نيتشا
اولأك هم الفلحون
سوره المصريون
الجنه يخترعون
والغلط والصح
وصفات القيمه هم يتقدسون
سوره العبث؛
ان الحياه عبث ولهو
تفرج الناش كم كارداشين نيكها فتصبح منتشره
خد حقك في هذا الدنيا
سوره الحياه؛
لا اخطيار في الحياه
بل الحياه هي ااي تخطار لنا
سوره المص
مص زب ربك والحسه؛ من راسه
الي خرم طيزه تلذذه!
كلا سوف تعلمون ثم كلا سوف تعلمون!
فاذا اهتزتم هزا هزا
ولتفت اعينكم لفا لفا
وقال المرء اها اها
سياتينكم اليقين—وما ادراك ما اليقين؟
يسمي post-nut clarity عند الحكيم
[ستندمون بعد ما تجبون (البن)!]
سوره الكس والزب والمخنث؛
هل اتاك حديث الكس والزب الراتب؟
من كل التلوثات معازب
اتحسبون ان يوجد زوجين اثنين؟
بل في اكتر من زلك يا خيبين
كروموسون ال اكس وال واي وما بين زلك
سوره السكس؛
احسب الناس ان العزراء تنجب؟ كلا! بل هي عهراء غمراء وانتم تجبرونها علي الكزب لكي لا ترجم! احسنتي يا مريم ان تنجي من كهنه اليهود!
انكم تتجوزون قبل ان تمارسون السكس؛ وتطلقون من بعد ما تبين لكم ان الرجل لا يعرف يمارس شئ وعنده سرعه قذف! ياحسرت علي العباد! لا يعرفون شئ وعملو السكس تابوه! انكم تستكبرون كأنكم احسن من الشمبانزي البونوبو، كلا! انكم مثل الشمبانزي
سوره البيدوفيليا
ان البيدوفليون ملبوسون بمرض نفسي
يحبون الاطفال والزين لا يبلغون نفسي
ليسيطرون ويعتدو عليهم
محمد وعاءشه
سوره جواز الام
ان المسلمون يحاجون الملحدون لماذا لا نتجوز امهاتنا
بل هذا هي افكارهم الداخليه
عندهم اوديبكس كومبليكس وهم لا يعلمون
ينكحون البهيمه وهم بها راضون
سوره العبوديه؛
ان اسوء الشئ لهو العبوديه
العبوديه الزهنيه الجسديه الثقافيه
استعباد للاله
استعباد للرأيس
سوره التطوير
احسب الناس ان خلقو من طين؟
هل امك تحط طين في كسها متشخق جنين؟
بل انتم متطورين علي الاف السنين
ملاين ف ملاين
ان المسلمون يؤمنون بلتطور العكسي! الههم يدعو انهو يطور الأنس الي قرد الشمبانزي! هيهات هيهات يا مؤمنون! استكفرون بلتطوير وتؤمنون بلتطور العكسي؟ افلا تعقلون؟
ان الاديان تتبع من اب الي الن بأطاعه
هذا تحوير التطوير بان الطفل يلزم ان يطيع اباءه لكي يعيش في هذه الدنيا
سوره العلم؛
قد افلح من امن بلعلم وكفر بلدين
سوره الفلسفه والمنطق؛
قد افلح من شغل عقله
وقد خاب من تبع دين ابائه
الفلسفه والمنطق تقتل الأله
لماذا انا ملحد؛
لا دليل علي ان الله او اي اله موجود
لا دليل علي اله واحد بس موجود (ليه لازم يبقي واحد؟ طب افرد لو كانو مشتركين ديموكراتيين؟ القران بيقول لعلو بعضهم علي بعض واخذ كل اله خلقه بس مش ده الxxx الوحيد ودي مغلطه منطقيه)
القران فيه مغالطات منطقيه كتير وهو اصلاً بيبدء بمغلطه منطقيه؛ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم—اي باس اله يعني بيجبرك ان تؤم به عشان هو بأسم اله appeal to authority
الاسلام والأديان كلها فيها عبوديه ودي بضيع وقت
الله لا يستحق ان يتعبد لأنه اله شرير؛ هو علي كل شي قدير وعالم كل شئ وبيستغني عن ايقاف الشر فلدنيا—يعني هو عايز شر—وخلق الشيطان عشان يلومه هو؛ وخلق الشهوات عشان يلومنا احنا؛ طب لو انت الخالق معملتش الحجات دي ليه؟ ليه سيبها كده؟ يبقي انت اله دكتاتور شرير او مش موجود او مش هو الأله او القصه غلط؛ في حاجه مش صح
الأسلام احتل اراض الناس وسماها افتتاح
الأسلام سرق من الناس وسماه انغام
الأسلام استعبد الناس وسماه اسري
الأسلام اجبر الناس علي دفع الجزيه زي المافيا وسموه ضرائب—ادفع الجزيه عشان يكفي الأسلام عنك شر نفسه!
الله اصغر الله اصغر
لا اله يوجد فلكون
الله نرجسي كثيرا
ومحمد يفكر بزبه القصيرا
الله اصغر الله اصغر
لا اله يوجد فلكون
المسلمون يحبون العبوديه
همجيون ارهابيون دواعش للبشريه
لا اله يوجد فلكون
احتلو بلسيف الشرق الأوسط من مصر الي اسبنيه
يفردون الجزيه او القتل او الاسلام فوريا
ويقولو لا اكراه فلديييين
لا اله يوجد فلكون
كسم الله كثيرا
وكسم محمد واله ومن اتبعه بكرا واصيلا
وتنضرب الكعبه ومن فيها بلنووي
لا اله يوجد فلكون
ينحرق القرأن والأنجيل والتوراه كلهم فلنار اجمعينا
هامجيين كتب الابراهمين
فلزباله يرمين
لا اله يوجد فلكون
الله اصغر الله اصغر
لا اله يوجد فلكون